If your loved one currently resides in a nursing home in New York, chances are you’re concerned about his or her treatment. While most nursing homes strive to provide residents the best care possible, the sad fact remains that some fall well below acceptable standards. U.S. News & World Report urges families to be aware of the following signs, which indicate that a nursing home is neglectful or even abusive
Overworked staff
The behavior of nursing home staff can tell you a lot about a facility. For instance, do staff seem harried and overworked on every visit? Are they friendly with patients? Do they get along well with each other? A nursing home is only as good as the people who work there. After all, these are the people tasked with caring for your loved one 24/7, so it’s natural that you want them to be friendly and attentive.
Emotional changes
You can also find signs of neglect and abuse in the way your loved one behaves. If you notice sudden emotional changes, such as the onset of depression and anxiety, it could indicate that the living conditions are lacking. A person may also act fearfully or timid in the presence of nursing home workers, and this could point to issues with verbal abuse. While these changes can occur naturally to many people, it’s important to communicate your concerns to staff to ensure your relative is being treated appropriately.
Poor nutrition
When a person doesn’t receive enough water and nutritious food, physical issues are bound to occur. For instance, dehydration can have a significant impact on the elderly, especially when they suffer from dementia-like symptoms or Alzheimer’s. Additionally, people with poor mobility will be unable to serve themselves, so it’s imperative that staff provide the proper nutrition and fluids.